Run | Number 46

On Thursday everyone at club decided to run the new Bushy 10K route. 14th July. You can enter here. I set off with quite a few people as Charlene was unwell and hadn't made it, but thankfully Gary was there for support. 

We started off fairly quickly, well for me anyway, and as always by mile 2 I was flagging and falling behind. Gary stayed with me which I really appreciated and I pushed through. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have gone running as I was battling the beginnings of a chesty cough and to be honest I probably made it worse but oh well, I wanted to run. We actually ended up getting slightly lost on the new route, damn you cross roads, but we still managed to do just over 10k. 

I also did this in 1 hour 16 minutes (see told you I was slow). I have a race coming up in 2 weeks and my goal for this is 1 hour 15 minutes. On Thursday I struggled & took a few walking breaks so fingers crossed I can actually achieve this on the day as long as I don't walk. 

Gym | A new territory

As there was a new gym opening up which was offering a special price of £10.99 per month inc classes, open 24 hours a day with no contract I knew I would be silly not to sign up.

On Friday I popped along for my induction. This was awful as expected, group inductions are useless and really not helpful when you have a million questions to ask about running and how you can use the gym to enhance this and some people in your group have never set foot on a treadmill. Anyway I've decided I will book myself in for a PT session, that way they can help me set up a programme.

Anyway here is what I've done so far.



2000 metre row - 10 minutes 4 seconds

20 min spin session 

Monday morning (Who would of thought I would ever be hitting the gym before work):

Cross trainer - 15 minutes (Interval Training)

20 reps of 10kg barbel squats x 3

10 reps of forward lunges (3kg) x 3

20 reps of 4kg chest presses x 3

20 reps of 4 kg tricep stretches x 3

20 crunches x 2

And a good old stretch.

Wednesday morning:

Bike - Level 4 - 9 miles - 43 minutes

Treadmill - Varied levels - 1 mile - 11 minutes 45 seconds.

And a good old stretch

Saturday morning: 

Treadmill - Varied levels - 1 miles - 11 minutes 55 seconds. 

Cross Trainer - Interval training - 15 minutes

I actually decided to take myself home after this. I've been feeling run down & I shouldn't of gone really as I just couldn't put any effort into it. I really hope I can make up for it this week. Come on body don't let me down now!!

I was in two minds about joining the gym, but I'm really glad I have no. It's really nice to be able to break up running, I'm still running three times & week and intend on keeping this up (except for this week - as I said I'm full of a chesty cough so only managed 2 this week) but I really feel like the extra cross training will really benefit my running. 

This week | What I've been doing

1. I'm trying to make a concious effort to use my bike more. I bought myself a bike back in Sept to use for getting too and from work. Now the weather is behaving itself I have no excuse not to get out on it. At the gym on Wednesday morning I had a great session on the bike covering 9 miles. Maybe there's a triathlon in me yet. 

2. From all the running and now introducing gym sessions my legs have been feeling unsurprisingly sore this week. I treated them to a nice long warm bath and some ice packs. You'll be glad to know they are feeling back to normal.

3. As I'm sure you've already read I marshalled at the London marathon on Sunday. It was such an inspirational day and has really spurred me on to keep up the running. Shame my medal is the first running medal I have recieved and I didn't even have to run. I have hung this over my bed post as a constant reminder to get out there and earn my own.

4. In May I am heading to London for the weekend to stay with my Uncle. We have both entered the Clapham Common 10K race on the Sunday. He is so much faster than I am, and will probably finish in half the time I will. I'm still paranoid about coming last but do you know what I don't care. As long as I turn up and give it my best I'll be happy with myself.

Run | Number 45

Tuesday rolled around again and I dragged my heavy legs down to Bushfield. My legs have only just got used to running 3 x a week and now I've added in gym sessions they are seriously crying. Come on little legs I'm only trying to make you strong.

Anyway, I headed out with Charlene & Roz to do a pretty standard 5 mile route. Thankfully after .5 of a mile my legs had stretched out and were feeling ok (thanks legs) and I was feeling strong. Unfortunately Charlene wasn't, a mile in she was ready to throw in the towel and walk back. After a bit of a pep talk (not sure when I became qualified in giving people pep talks on not giving up), a good old stretch, a quick massage and reassurance that if she needed to stop and walk we could do, we headed off.

I was so proud that she didn't give up and made it round despite her body telling her to stop. This is what I find the most difficult with running, my mind is so strong in trying to get me to stop. You would think 3 runs a week for 4 months it would of gotten used to it by now, but apparently not.

Miles: 5.19

Time: 1 hour 9 minutes (including stopping time for massaging etc)

All in all not to bad considering the stopping time etc, another good run and another 5 miles in the bank.

Event | Virgin London Marathon 2013

On Sunday I went to marshal at the biggest running event in the UK, the Virgin London Marathon. For as long as I can remember I have watched the marathon on the Tv and watched in awe as thousands of people manage to take on the gruelling 26.2 mile course. Hats off to the them.

Marshalling was so much fun, it was great to be that close to some amazing athletes, seriously the speed these guys come past you at is phenomonal, especially considering we were station just past mile 23.

I only had one heroic moment when a young man collapsed at my feet due to cramp, I gave him some water, rubbed down his legs & attempted to carry him nearly half a mile down the road to the first aid station. He got to us in just over 2 hours, so I really hope he was able to finish.

The atmosphere on the day was electric, seeing thousands of people come out and cheer on complete strangers is incredible. Seeing the look of pain on peoples faces should be enough to put me off but I've already decided I want to run. Maybe 2014, maybe 2015 who knows.

Inspiration | Nike & Eliie

There is something about this video which just makes me want to lace up and get running.

Run | Number 44

Miles: 7.62

Time: 1 hour 40 minutes & 1 second

Saturday mornings are by far my favourite time to run. I much prefer to run or gym in the morning and start my day off properly. I joined Charlene at Bushfield today and after a night out drinking on Friday I was feeling a little delicate and was unsure as to how this run would go. Turns out it was exactly what we needed. I took us down the same route Sarah & Mandy had taken me on Tuesday but added on an extra 2 miles, as we were still feeling good.

It was so warm, I even had to strip down to just a vest top. N.B must invest in some summer kit pronto.

Right now I've got my head (and lungs) and a longer distance I really need to get some speed training in.

Run | Number 43

Miles: 4.34

Time: 54 minutes 53 seconds

I headed out with Charlene and Jenny on Thursday night. It was a great night for running, warm but not that much that I felt dehydrated or drenched in sweat (which is normally the case). We stuck to a familar route heading out to Ferry Meadows, followed by a lap of the lake and back to Bushfield. I really enjoyed this run, we stuck to a slightly slower pace and I really enjoyed the company.

Run | Number 42

Tuesday rolled around again, I swear since I started exercising my weeks go so much quicker as I am no longer sat around on my ass every night. Anyway I digressed, last night at Bushfield I was told to go with the faster runners. No lie my face was like this :/ I really struggle with trying to get any faster and I find whenever I try I always burn myself out and then have to stop. Anyway like the trooper I am I sucked it up and off we went.

We started off fast and I mean fast, it felt really good but I knew there was no way I could keep this going for the whole run. I could feel myself flagging, honestly every part of my body hurt, if it wasn't a stitch I had cramp in my calves, even my lungs hurt, I didn't even know that was possible. I started to slow down, the others went on ahead but Sarah stayed behind and coached me through which I really appreciated.

As much as I hated every minute I also really enjoyed it, it hurt and I knew it was doing me good, great things happen when you push out of your comfort zone. I just need to learn to not listen to my head when it tells me to stop and walk.

As you can see a new record for me. 5 miles in under 60 minutes. My first race (3rd March) was a 5 miler and my time was 1 hour 12 minutes, so to of shaved 14 minutes off this time is incredible and something I want to work at more.

Run | Number 41

On Saturday I headed out with two of the girls from Bushfield. I have never joined anyone for a Saturday run before as sometimes I enjoy going by myself but because I had missed Thursday's session I thought it would be nice to get out with others.
I actually nearly missed them and had to sprint to catch up (not a good start) but anyway we ended up having a really good run. Boy it was sunny on Saturday morning, I really must invest in some short sleeved running vests as I was sweating. We plodded around Ferry Meadows and managed to cover 6.58 miles. The timing on my app is out as I forgot to turn it off when we finished, I think Jill said it took us roughly 1 hour 25 minutes which isn't too bad.
It was really nice to get out there with the others and I hope we make it more of a regular thing. 

Run | Number 40

Today I did the unthinkable. I, Rebecca, the laziest person in the world dragged my bum out of bed at 6am to run before work. I know this may not sound like a big deal to most, but to me it really is. Seeing as I was strapped for time I headed out on a 5k route, which actually turned out to be just under 3.5 miles, which was a nice little suprise. I also managed to run this faster then I ever have.


I also managed to have a cheeky look at my gps when I knew I had reached 5k, I know it doesnt count but this is the first time I have ran a sub 40 min 5k, I know this is painfully slow for most people, but to me a great achievement. I'm going to keep pushing at this to get my time down, but I definately think my longer distances are helping with my endurance. It's nice to see progress.

And this is a standard instagram shot of what I was wearing.
Shoes: Nike Flex Experience
Reflective bands: Aldi
Leggings: Nike
Top: Karrimor (As mentioned in a previous post)
Belt: Karrimor (Best invention ever)

Run | Number 39

Tonight I headed out with Bushfield, there was 4 of us women running together and we managed a respectable 4.62 miles. For 4 people that didn't really want to run, I think this is acceptable.

It's so strange when Gary (the person I normally run with isn't there) as I now have to do all the pushing myself. It's so strange going from the person needing all the encouragment in the world to having to give it to other people in the hope of spurring them on.

I actually really enjoy it, I can't believe how much progress I've made and I hope my mimicking what Gary & Aunty did to help me, I can also help others.

Run | Number 38

After what felt like a disaster week for running (in reality it wasn't really that bad just my silly legs complaining). I set off on Saturday morning trying to be as optimistic as I could, I had a route in mind but had no idea how far this would be. 

I set out on my usual route and made sure I stayed slow as I really didn't want to burn myself out too quickly. As you can see from my splits I managed to keep this up just about. Where I usually turn back on my route I decided I would push on further, I was feeling good and before I had realised it I had made it up to Ferry Meadows and round a lap of the first lake. I stupidly decided to check my gps and it showed I had already made it to 7 miles. This panicked me, 7 miles is the furthest I've ever been before and I was still quite a few miles away from home. As you can see I slowed down a bit and decided to try a walk/run strategy and it worked. I made it home. I made it to 10 miles and you know what it wasn't that bad. 

It's strange to look at that map and realise how far I've come. Last year when I first tried running I remember going to Ferry Meadows and running around that lake, a full lap was around 1.7 miles and it honestly killed me and felt like the hardest thing I had ever done, so it's strange to think at the weekend I made it there round and back without wanting to collapse. 

I decided it was also be a good idea to walk into town and back and go out on Saturday night in high heels. Come Sunday morning my legs were not my friends, thankfully I had a massage booked in and it couldn't of come at a better time. I'm just about back to normal. 

Run | Number 37

Back to Bushfield again on Thursday, I went out with Charlene and a few of the other women who only wanted to do an easy 3 miles, although I discovered running is never easy...EVER. 

Anyway a pretty good run, felt a little tired like my legs just didn't want to work but once again pushed through and it felt good to finish once again. 

Run | Number 36

Hello again guys. I've been a bit slow on the old blog updates..oops. Anyway on Tuesday once again I went down to Bushfield. I honestly cannot praise joining a running club more. Last year when I was 'training' on my own I struggled to make it to 5k and even then I was barely running it, I found going out running was a chore and not something I enjoyed. Now my feelings for running have completely changed, I love it. There I said it. Now I enjoy donning my lycra and getting out there. 

Anyway back to the point in hand. Tuesday saw me going out with Gary & Charlene. We originally wanted to get to 7 miles - As this is the furthest I've ever ran and wanted to do it again. We set off and a mile in I honestly felt like I was dragging 100 st behind me, my legs just wouldn't work and I just wasn't in the right state of mind. Charlene was also struggling and we considered cutting the milage down to 3, even this seemed difficult. 

We pushed through regardless and we actually made it to 5.7 miles which is the furthest Charlene has ran in a while so I was really proud of her. I was also really proud of myself, at the beginning I was so close to giving up and turning around but I didn't, I pushed through and I showed myself I can do so much when I put my mind to it. 

Inspiration | Believe you can

I came across this today and it really sums up how I'm feeling at the moment. It's so hard to describe but it feels like something has clicked, I feel so dedicated to achieve my goals, regardless of how small or large they are. I know I can keep going if I believe in myself and push myself through any situation. Last night I proved to myself I can do this (more on that later) and it really showed me just how much determination I can muster when I really need to.

Run | Number 35

Saturday rolled around quicker then usual this week, thankyou bank holiday weekend. I had intended to get myself up early and go out for a 6/7 mile run. This didn't happen. I slept through my alarm (first time I think I've ever done this), I'm telling myself this is my body telling me I needed to catch up on sleep. I eventually dragged myself out at 8:30am, and left the house at 8:45am. I decided to change my route as I had done the same one for a few weeks. I started off pretty strong and really enjoyed how cold it was outside. I reached 1 mile and something just went. I couldn't breath properly, my chest hurt and my legs felt like stone. I just couldn't do it. It felt like I had run 5 miles and I had only managed 1.5 miles. I was devestated. I haven't had a bad run in ages and I always feel like it knocks my confidence. I powered through and managed just over 3 miles. I must admit at the end if felt nice to have completed it and not given in and it felt good to feel worn out and know that it was hard.

Oh well, back to Bushfield tonight and hopefully I can have a good run to counteract it.

P.s My final milage total for March was 65.3 miles. Who would of thought that my lazy self could ever manage that.

Run | Number 34. Chase me Race

On Thursday I found myself at Bushfield for another 'Chase Me' race. This includes a 3.2 mile circuit and uses handicapped times. Last time I ran this was February and I found it really hard. I set off first with 2 others, and I stupidly took off too fast as I knew people would be chasing me and I had such a phobia of finishing last. Obviously I finished last. All 3 of us came across the line together.
So on Thursday I knew I had to push myself. Off we went and I knew I was running fast but it felt good and I wanted to continue, I ended up running this on my own as I seperated from the people I started with, I found this quite difficult as I had nothing to keep my mind off of it. As you can see by mile 2 I slowed down but this speed is still fairly fast for me, so I can't really be annoyed. Only 5 people past me in this race and I came in 6th place, considering last time I was 10 minutes behind everyone else I was so bloody happy with myself. Overall I came 3rd from last, but I did manage to shave 4 minutes and 40 seconds off my last time. Lets hope next time I can beat it.