25 things no-one tells you when training for a 70.3

  1. You will never not smell like chlorine. 
  2. You will only wash your hair once a week. 
  3. You will take approximately 20 million showers a week. 
  4. You will only shower at the gym or the swimming pool. 
  5. You will get through an excessive amount of shower gel. 
  6. You will be hungry all the time
  7. You will try and fuel your body properly but sometimes you will get home from swimming get straight into bed and eat a lot of custard creams. 
  8. You will always be thinking what your next meal is. 
  9. You will always be wondering what snacks you could eat on your bike (always fig rolls).
  10. Swimming, biking, running, sleeping and eating is all you will think about.
  11. And talk about. 
  12. You wish people would stop asking you how your weekend was, because the answer is always "I cycled and ran". 
  13. But deep down you hope people do ask you so you can tell them all about it. 
  14. 2 French braids will become your signature hairstyle. 
  15. You use phrases like 'brick' session and assume everyone knows what you mean.
  16. You will spend a ridiculous amount of time researching kit.
  17. And spend a ridiculous amount of money on said kit. 
  18. You will constantly text & tweet the only other people you know crazy enough to do this for reassurance about 1000 times a day. 
  19. Most people will call you mental. 
  20. You catch yourself wondering if you could possibly do the full ironman next year. 
  21. Then you google race reports. 
  22. You will get a black toe nail. 
  23. You will panic about ever seeing friends who don't swim, cycle or run. 
  24. You will not have time to date. 
  25. But you would not change any of it! 

A Long Overdue Catch Up

It's been a long time...where do I start?

I lost track with this blog back in 2014. Any long time readers will be glad to know I did in fact run and finished the marathon all that time ago. It's been that long now I sometimes forget I actually did it. I think I will save a full post for that as it was truly incredible.

Fast forward to now. I'm about to begin a 16 week training plan for Grafman middle distance triathlon (which is a 70.3 half ironman), I'm pretty sure I've gone crazy.

So what can you expect from this blog in 2016. There will defiantly be my highs and lows of tackling triathlon training, my continued love of lifting heavy weights around and without a doubt there will be a lot of talk of food and my constant hunger levels (it can't just be me!)