Race Report | Frostbite Friendly League | Hinchingbrooke Park

On Sunday I had a lot to prove to myself. Back in March I took part in my first ever race, it was part of the Frostbite Friendly League and took part in Hinchingbrooke park. Sunday saw me re run this race and with great results.

Back when I ran in March I really wasn't ready to be running in a 5 mile 'cross country' race, the terrain is a mixture of grass, road and wooded area's including some inclines (not what you want when you're stuck in the mud). The Frostbite League is only open to club runners so the standard tends to be a lot faster than in a normal race. I spent the whole time firmly at the back runner with the sweeper. In fact I think I must of walked at least a mile of the course. I embarrassingly came in last nearly 11 minutes behind the person in front of me finishing in 1 hour 12 minutes 55 seconds. I'm surprised I even entered more races after that, but I guess I'm tougher then I think.

This time I knew I was going to be quicker, and hopefully not last, but after nursing an ankle injury all week I was worried about running on the different terrains. There was no need to worry, I strapped it up with sports tape and didn't even feel it. This race was still really tough, I'm only used to running on roads and you forget how much grass and uneven surfaces really wear you out, but I carried on and stuck it out. Two members of my club kindly offered to run with me and I was so grateful for their support.

I finished in 51 minutes 38 seconds! Just a small 21 minutes 17 second PB!

A lot of hard work over the last year has paid off.

An example of Hinchingbrooke park


  1. Something that puts me off doing races is coming last. Although the last one I did I came smack bang in the middle of the pack so I think I just need more confidence.

    Congrats on the PB!

    Jess - www.feelingstylish.co.uk

    1. I was petrified the first time I raced, but coming last really wasn't that bad, and you get more cheers for coming last :) You've just got to put yourself out there and hope for the best.

      Thanks :)
