Marathon Training | Week 4


Folksworth 15
15 miles
2:43:00 dead on
10:52 pace


30 minutes


5.8 miles
No idea of pace as I forgot to put my watch on. 

I really wasn't in the mood for this session, what with stiff legs from Sunday and a lot of work to get done, but I sucked it up and laced up. I was only planning on doing 3 miles but Abi had other plans, we finished just shy of 6 miles and do you know what, I actually really enjoyed this run.




3.1 miles
36 minutes - Very slowly on the treadmill

I didn't want to go to club tonight as they were doing a Chase Me and I didn't want to push to hard before the Brass Monkey 10k on Sunday, I also didn't want to run on my own in the dark so off I went to the gym. Never ever again, I cannot run on a treadmill!!!


Arms & Shoulders

Dumbbell  side raises - 7kg - 25 each arm
Shoulder press - 15kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Chest press - 15kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Bicep curls - 15kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Upright barbell row - 10kg - 10 reps x 5 sets

Just a small session on Friday night, I'm really enjoying only using free weights. If anyone knows of any leg exercises I can do with them please let me know. I was really thankful on Friday as a woman came and helped me in the gym for 10 minutes and was showing me so different exercises and how to make sure my form is correct. My back is thanking you.



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