Run | Number 67 | Track Session

I took part in my first track session this week, when a session is reffered to as 'Brian's night of pain' you know your in for a treat. I actually really enjoyed it, as it was nice to be out and trying something different. I found it really difficult to get my efforts right, so hopefully next time I will be able to improve on this.

Warm up - 1k (2 and a half laps)
70% effort - 1k (2 and a half laps)
Recovery - 1 lap (400 m)
80% effort - 2 laps (800 m)
Recovery - 1 lap (400 m)
90% effort - 1 lap (400 m)
Recovery - 1 lap (400 m)
100% effort - 1k (2 and a half laps)

Oh my is all I can say.

Run | Number 66

On Saturday morning, I headed out with a group from Bushfield to tackle Haddon again! I managed to convince Val along as she was worried she hadn't taken on a longer distance and with GER looming, we both need as much training as we can get. By mile 2 Mandy looped back to check we were both ok, we had set off quite fast (well fast for us) and Val dropped the pace, Mandy stayed with her and plodded on on my own. As much as I hate running on my own sometimes it was useful as its shown that I can pace myself and I don't always have to stop and walk. I kept looping back to run with them both for a bit.

Just before the dreaded Haddon hill, Sarah had looped back to come and help me up it, what a trooper doing it twice. I made it to the top this time, and oh my I could have easily curled up in a ball on the floor. Val decided to walk up there (I think she had the right idea), the next 2 miles are pretty much all downhill so we all plodded along together having a chat which made them whizz by, Sarah and I took off ahead a little and when we went to cross under the A1, we looped back to help Val. The underpass is a complete optical illustion, as you run up to it, the incline looks so steep but as soon as you start running it, its virtually flat.

I have found that I'm really comfortable running 8 miles, its the last one I struggle with. I still haven't started fueling for my longer runs and I don't eat breakfast before I go, so I'm obviously running out of energy, I must look into this. In the last 400 metres I choked, all I wanted was to stop and I thought I was going to be sick. MUST START EATING BEFORE LONG RUNS!!!!!

Run | Number 65

A slow and short run after my race on Wednesday. Wow runninf 3 days in a row really takes it out of you. More rest days and cross training for me from now on.

Gym | Week 8


Swim at the Lido (outdoor pool)

14 lengths @ 50 metres


4.23 mile run


Treadmill - Incline 6 - Speed 6mph - 10 minutes

Cross Trainer - Level 12 - Interval training - 30 minutes

Squats - 20 reps x 2 sets - 10kg barbell

Chest press - 10 reps x 4 sets - 18kg

Shoulder press - 10 reps x 4 sets - 18kg

5k race at Ferry Meadows


3.1 mile run




9.09 mile run



Run | Number 64 | 5k Grand Prix Series | Ferry Meadows

Yesterday I took part in my first 5k race of the Peterborough Grand Prix series (5 races put on by 5 different running clubs across June & July), I missed the first one as I was on holiday. It was Thorney's turn to host and this was put on at Ferry Meadows, I love running here so I was looking forward to it. I wanted to run this at my own pace and not worry about being slow or last, I have done alot in the last week and didn't want to push myself to far.

This lasted until the start line, as soon as I started I decided to go for it and see what I could do. I started off with Sarah and Paula and we stuck together for about 3k, it was here that I decided I needed to slow down a little and told them to push on. The run was pretty uneventful to be honest, nice scenery, great marshals and organisation but a very hot day. I couldn't wait to get to the end just to have some water. There was a woman next to me the whole way and this time I was determinded not to let her pass me. The finish line was my own complaint, it was on uneven grass so was really hard to get a sprint finish on.

I don't know my exact time yet but my phone reads 34 minutes 26 seconds. I hope I managed to get sub 34 but I'm not sure as the timing will be done gun to finish and I started at the back, oh well there is always next time.

All in all a great race & I'm looking forward to the next one.

Run | Number 63

Tuesday rolled around again and we had a different night planned at Bushy. With our 10k race coming up in July we opened up the club session to anyone who wanted to come and give the 10k route a try. Most of us wore our Bushy tops so it was a great opportunity to get a club photo. There was a good turn out of people wanting to give it a go and off we went.

I ran with Val, Emma (a newbie) & Charlene, unfortunately we lost Charlene at around 1 and a half miles as her hip was playing up and she decided to play it safe and walk back. Us three carried on, it was a really tough night as it was so hot but we pushed through. At around the 3 mile mark we were all absolutely knackered. My foot has been playing up since my race on Sunday and I've been icing it as much as possible but I didn't want to put too much pressure on it, so I suggested to the girls we cut the run short at the next turn off, they were both happy to do so.

Miles: 4.23
Time: 55:04

Run | Number 62 | Hunts 10k

Yesterday I took part in the Hunts 10k charity run. I was really worried about this race as I haven't done any specific training for it, and I had been on holiday for 2 weeks before hand. But I was determinded to go out there and give it all I had.

The organisation was faultless, we arrived early to find somewhere to park so we didn't have to far to walk from the car to the event, marshals where out from 7:30am helping people park and find where they needed to be. Race pack pick up was well organised and straightforward enough. Only downside as always at these things, not enough toilets for the amount of people taking part. Both the 3k fun run and the 10k both started on time, which I was pleased about, I hate waiting around, by this point I just want to get going.

The course was great the first 4k was a loop round a very flat air field, great for starting out strong and all the spectators were lined up so was a great little boost to get us started. 4-5k took us over a very horrible gravel path, a girl in front of me fell and twisted her ankle and had to hobble back to the start, 5-9k took us through fields and through a small village, lots of people were stood outside their houses cheering us on, which was really lovely. And...small claim to fame, John Major & his wife were outside cheering us on (he lives in the village) ex prime minister cheered me on in a crazy is that?! 8k took us back over the gravel and the last km was a flat slightly uphill sprint back to the finish line. I really pushed myself in this race, I very very nearly threw up when I crossed the finish line! But overall a great course and a great atmosphere.

2 water stations on route at 4 and 8k.

I PB'ed with a new time of 1:12:27 - My only complaint is the official time was done on gun to chip so we had to take our net time, but either way I did better then last time so I'm not complaining. Mile splits as follows:

Mile 1 - 10:56 (who knew I could run this fast)
Mile 2 - 10:57
Mile 3 - 11:54
Mile 4 - 11:34
Mile 5 - 12:07
Mile 6: 12:08
Mile 0.29 - 11:54

Gym | Week 7


Tread mill - Incline 5 - Speed 6mph - 20 minutes

Cross Trainer - Interval Training - Level 10 - 30 minutes

Chest press - 20 reps x 3 sets - 4 kg

Tricep curl - 20 reps x 3 sets - 4kg

Bicep curl - 20 reps x 3 sets - 4 kg

Squats - 20 reps x 3 sets - 15kg


Run - 6.28 miles (10k) - 1 hour 20 minutes



400 yard swim - 10 mile bike - 3.5 mile run






Row - 10 minutes

Tread mill - Incline 6 - Speed 6mph 15 minutes

Cross Trainer - Interval Training - Level 10 - 30 minutes


Hunts 10K

1:12:27 (PB)

A fairly busy week to get my body moving after a lazy holiday.

Triathlon | That time I thought I was dying.

So that new thing I was talking about....It was a bloody TRIATHLON...
Alot of people at Bushfield have been doing tri's for years or have recently started having a go, so it's something people are always talking about. PACTRAC run triathlons throughout the summer and last nights was a novice only event (novice being anyone who has been in the sport 1 year or less).
It included:
400 yard swim
10 mile bike
3.5 mile run
The swim went surprisingly well, but I knew this would be one of my strong points. Lanes were split into abilities and I started in the slowest lane as I wasn't sure on my speed. This is really difficult to judge when you have never swam against anyone before. I ended up switching lanes 3 times in the end. The swim was full of mixed abilities so was nothing to worry about. However attempting to get out of the pool, in the deep end with nothing to push up from, without flashing spectators was really fun.
The bike (which I knew was going to be my worst) turned out to by my worse. When we got out the pool it had started raining which I didn't think would matter when I was already wet. Oh how wrong I was. My transition period was really fast (I'm good at the bits which didn't require any exercise!). I used my bog standard Raleigh bike which was a big mistake as it was so heavy. The first 5 miles of the ride are pretty much all up hill in the pouring rain and wind. At one point I ground to a halt on a hill and honestly didn't think I would make it to the top. But I sucked it up and carried on, knowing I was last I just decided to enjoy (well as much as I could) myself.
The run, by this point I was so cold and wet I had to fumble around putting another t-shirt on in my second transition peroid. I remember telling my friends watching that I thought I was dying (always one to exaggerate). When I started running I honestly thought to myself how am I going to do this, my legs felt like jelly and I was so tired already. But I pushed through. Paul from Bushfield jumped on a bike and biked alongside me to keep me company which I really appreciated and I don't think I would of finished without him. Once I found my pace the run was actually enjoyable, it was an out and back route with the back section being uphill (so not fair). I was surpised the marshalls stayed out to see me finish as I was so far behind everyone else but I was really thankfull that they were there and it really motivated me to push a little faster.
I have never been so happy to complete something and even as I type this I am still on a high, I can't believe what my body can do when I ask it nicely. The support/organisation and marshalls where amazing and I can't thank them enough for an enjoyable event. Whether I will do another one has not been decided yet, but that doesn't matter because......

Health | Crohn's Disease

As previously mentioned in an older post I have been going through some trouble with my stomach and what I can and can't eat. On Thursday, after numerous blood tests, cutting out food and invasive tests (colonoscopy I'm looking at you) I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

'Crohn’s disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system.'

This came as a little bit of a shock, I've been waiting so long for my test results I just assumed they would tell me I had an intollerence to something I was eating and I would be sent away. But no, I actually have a serious illness. I've been put on steroids for the time being to keep the swelling down and it is now up to trial and error to work out what food triggers flare up's. This tends to be spicy food or food with a lot of fibre in as my body is unable to digest this.

From the begining of the year I have been making a concious effort to look after myself better, especially in regards to what I was eating. I will be the first to admit that my diet was awful, I lived off processed foods, I honestly was addicted to Mcdonalds and I couldn't go a day without drinking at least 2 cans of coke. This left me permantly run down and bloated. In January I decided to really make a change to look after myself, I no longer drink any fizzy drink and I rarely drink fruit juice anymore, sticking to lots of water and sugar free squash. I haven't eaten a Mcdonalds this year, or Burger King, KFC etc. I used to have a take away at least once a week and now this is limited to once a month, I used to eat out all the time and this now happens once a week, if even that.

Thankfully this hasn't been too hard as I love fruit and vegetables so now my diet takes an 80% clean approach, with the odd treat thrown in.

A typical food day for me includes:

Breakfast: Greek yoghurt, raspberries and granola

Snack: Apple

Lunch: Salad or wrap (normally chicken or falafal)

Snack: Banana

Dinner: Fajitas, Curry, Pasta, Chicken and rice etc

And I normally always have a square of chocolate or jaffa cakes (my guilty pleasure).

All in all, now I've settled into a habbit with my food choices and taking my steroids I don't really suffer anymore. I have odd days where I feel really run down and lathargic, but I've just learnt to get on with it.

Inspiration | Trying something new

Tomorrow I will be trying something new, pushing myself further out of my comfort zone then I have ever been before.

Wish me luck.

Holiday | That time I didn't do anything

So I went on holiday & I had planned to run a lot whilst I was away. I managed 1 run, it was just so hot,  even at 7am I was covered in sweat!! Not a good look.

I did brave it and run in my sports bra though which is a big move for someone who hates the way they look. On the plus side, I didn't put any weight on whilst I was away!!!

Run | Number 61

My dedication levels are scaring me, I got up early on the day I went on holiday to get a run in. Crazy I know. 

6.05 miles 


I haven't ran on my own in weeks and I was really pleased to keep my pace up. Obviously not as good as when I'm with others or when racing, but it felt really good and I managed to run for most of the distance. When its just me, I always get the urge to stop and walk and I'm really trying to get better at this. 

Run | Number 60

Tuesday was the last run at Bushfield before I went on holiday. I had gone to the gym in the morning, as I was paranoid about the bikini body having to make an appearance, so it's safe to say I was feeling a little tired. 

I decided to run our standard 5k route, I wanted to push myself a little bit and it felt really good. 


35 minutes 28 seconds

sub 35 minutes is within my reach. 

Gym | Week 6


Run - 2.49 miles - Hill reps x 4

Squats x 240

Sit ups x 240


Cross Trainer - 25 mins - Level 6 - Interval Training

Treadmill - 15 mins - Incline 8 - 5.5mph

Leg Curl - 20 reps x 4 - 18kg

Leg press - 20 reps x 4 - 30kg

Leg Extension - 20 reps x 4 - 18kg

And then I went on holiday....