Run | Number 105 | 1 True Grit Race Report

I apolagise in advance for this being a long and very picture heavy post. Sorry not sorry. 

Now where to start. On Sunday I took part in a 10k obstacle mud run called 1 True Grit, held in Baldock, Hearts, so just under an hours drive away from Peterborough. Entrance fee was £40 pp for teams of 6 or more, this may seem steep, but the run was in aid of Prostate Cancer, so I was happy to pay extra. As a first time event, the organisation was spot on, Emails were sent out around 2 weeks and a few days before the event, teams were started off in waves so there wasn't much congestion and these actually started when they said they would, always a plus in my book. Only down side is only 2 toilets, when will race organisers ever learn this. 

The course was 10k trail run with 25 obstacles placed in our way, these ranger from the easy ones, running through tyres and haystacks to climbing over 8ft walls & swimming through muddy quarry's. When I was first asked to take part in this I was really worried as I really didn't think I had it in me, I thought I would chicken out of the obstacles but I wanted to make it worth while. I actually surprised myself and the only obstacle I walked round was the monkey bars as even as a child I was never able to do these. I even flung myself over the 8ft wall twice.

I'm pretty sure we were the last team in but it really didn't matter, this was all about team work and helping everyone through it, I was helped when I was scared jumping off something (apparently I don't like heights anymore) and Sarah needed help with anything claustrophibic & as Val hadn't been running much recently she needed helping running the longer stretches. But it was such a fun day out and I would really like to take part again. 

I must admit it took me until Wednesday morning to be able to walk properly, my muscles have never hurt so much in my life. I had DOMS in places I didn't know you could get DOMS.

 Check out that quad definition

 The last obstacle was a skip filled with ice cold water which you had to swim under.

 This wall has brusied me to hell, but I'm so glad I got over it

 I found this the hardest, as you can see John has just given up. 

All in all I really recommend you try something like this even if it does mean pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

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