Rant | Lacking motivation

Motivation where are you? I can't find you anywhere! I was on such a high after finishing my first half marathon I can't even put it into words. I'm already signed up to Edinburgh marathon so I know I still need to work hard at keeping my training up. I made a conscious effort to still run the Tuesday and Thursday after the GER, I then let myself have a weekend off exercise, before starting my training last week. I had a great run on the Tuesday, was then ill for the rest of the week and did nothing, attempted a 10 mile tempo run on the Sunday, had to quit after the first lap and spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself. I ran a half marathon 2 weeks ago, why am I now struggling to run 5!!!

I'm really struggling with my motivation at the moment, I haven't made it out of bed to get to the gym in the morning in weeks, although this has been replaced my a double boxercise class on a Monday which I'm really enjoying.

I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and push these negative thoughts away. I have achieved so much this year and I know I can still achieve more.

Things I've done this year which in January seemed impossible:
  1. Lose 4st through exercise and clean eating (most of the time)
  2. Ran a 5k
  3. Ran a 5 miler
  4. Ran a 10k
  5. Ran a HALF MARATHON (13.1 freaking miles!!!)
  6. Completed 2 TRIATHLONS (400m swim, 10 mile bike, 3.5 mile run)
  7. Ran a 10k obstacle mud run
Things I want to have achieved by the 1st Jan 2014
  1. Sub 30minute 5k (I have done this but not in an official race)
  2. Therefore start running parkrun again
  3. Sub 60minute 10k (lowest I've got down to is 63 minutes so this could be difficult but I've got to try)
  4. Run 3 if not 4 times a week, no matter what gets in the way
  5. Foam roll and stretch at least twice a week
  6. Be able to run 15 miles comfortably
  7. Start tracking everything on MyFitness Pal again
I better get started hey?!

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