Race Report | Perkins Great Eastern Run 2013

So I really don't know where to start with this as I have so much to say so here goes. 

As most of you are aware (and everybody I have come into contact with this year) I wanted to run the Perkins Great Eastern Run, this is a half marathon based in Peterborough. This was a really huge challenge for me, I started running at the end of January and I really struggled to even run 100m when I started, I don't think it helped that I was also 4 st heavier! Anyway I decided if I really wanted to achieve this I would need to put my mind to it and make a lot of changes along the way. I joined Bushfield Joggers and haven't looked back since (thanks for all the support guys). 


I honestly can't believe how nervous about this I was, everytime I thought about it I had butterflies in my stomach, I was so worried about just not being able to finish it, or injuring something and having to drop out. The weather forecast also wasn't helping, 100% chance of heavy rain, brilliant. I took it easy and had lots of water and eat quite a few carbs (something I'm really good at) and managed to be in bed for 10:30pm. 


I managed to sleep until 6:15am and stayed tossing and turning until 7:30am, got up and showered, wolfed down some porridge and a banana and eventually got dressed. The weather was absolutely awful and I really didn't want to go outside, let alone run 13.1 miles in it. I wrapped myself up warm and off I went to the embankment to meet the others.

 I had planned to run with Josie and Sarah, starting at 11 minute miles and pushing harder once past half way if I could manage it. Although I was only aiming to get round I also wanted to come in under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I knew if I stuck to 11m/m I had a little leeway in case this went over. Obviously Josie and I set off too fast averaging 10:30's for the first 8 miles, I'm just surprised I managed to keep up with her for that long.I must say it took us nearly 16 minutes to cross the start line and by this point I was really cold and it took me a good few miles to warm up.

Miles 1-3 felt really good, I feel into my rhythm straight away and was really enjoying the atmosphere, although for the first 3 miles it was so wet, the rain was so heavy, but I still managed to enjoy myself. To be honest miles 1-8 passed fairly quickly and uneventfully, we just about caught sight of the elite men coming back at around mile 4 (they were at mile 10.5). By mile 8 I was glad to be keeping up the pace but Josie wanted to push it so I sent her on her way. Seeing my parents and friends scattered around the course really gave me something to look forward to and I just kept going. I made it to mile 10 before I really started to struggle. I had only ran over 10 miles once in training and that was quite a few weeks ago and I really think this showed, to be honest I think it was more a mental struggle than anything. I knew if I made it to mile 11 I would make it to the finish, at mile 11 I passed Abi & Julie from Bushfield, and was so glad to see a friendly face, from mile 11.5 I started to run and walk and by mile 12 they caught back up with me and we ran the final mile together. The last mile has to be the hardest thing I've ever done, I was struggling to even put 1 foot in front of the other, but I knew the finish was so close. As we round the corner into the final straight I saw my parents and was spurred on to a sprint finish. Having everyone cheering, especially my friends made the moment so special. 



 I crossed the line, had my chip taken off, grabbed some water, a banana, goody bag, t-shirt and most importantly my medal. I've never been so proud of myself, final chip time 2:27:34.

I know I can beat this time next time, so it's given me something to aim for. Bring on marathon training.


  1. Yay! Well done, and under your target time too! The weather was awful on Sunday. I spent ages gearing myself up to get out before I actually did!

    1. Thank you, I know so so happy :) Oh it was awful wasn't it, hopefully the next one will be a little dryer. Haven't picked a next one yet, do you know of any near by? x
