News | Edinburgh Marathon 2014

As I'm sure everyone is aware the ballot results for the London Marathon started coming out on Thursday. I had entered on a bit of a whim back in April after marshalling the 2013 race. I wanted to be part of the action, I remember seeing people of all shapes, sizes and ages running past, if they could do I wanted to be able to do it. I hadn't really put much thought into it after that and my half marathon training really started to kick in, and I'm still really enjoying the challenge, I love seeing my body change and seeing how my times are coming down and how the distance I can cover is improving. 

After the disappointment of London, I didn't really know what to do. I knew that if I was relieved not to get a place a marathon for 2014 would be off the cards, but I was genuinely gutted. So therefore I decided to explore my options. 

So I'm pleased to announce I will be running the Edinburgh marathon on the 25th May. 
Now if anyone can recommend a good training programme or any tips I would really appreciate it. 
This will either turn out to be the best decision I ever make or the worse one. 

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