Run | Number 71 | 5k Grand Prix Series | Eye

2 weeks had quickly past and it was time for another 5k Grand Prix Series race, this time held at Eye, I assumed it would follow part of the same route of the 4 miler handicap, so I was feeling pretty confident about the route. When the day rolled around, I really couldn't be bothered, I was feeling tired and knew I hadn't fueled myself properly during the day. I couldn't make the decision whether to try and keep up with Paula and try for a PB, or stick with Val at a slightly slower pace and just enjoy the run a little more.

When we got there I noticed the route was out and back and that's all I needed to know to go for a PB, if I got halfway and knew I had nothing left in me I could slow back down. The start was on time & the organization was flawless, also the marshals were really encouraging, even to the last few runners. I panicked when I couldn't find Paula at the start so decided to just keep at a good pace which I was enjoying. The gun went off and everyone shot off, it's so difficult not to speed off when your around other people. My first mile is always my fastest, so I really need to learn to slow it down. Paula found me within the first 400m, and told me we were going too fast so I slowed down a little. We past Val, but she was always just behind us in our sights.

Within 7 minutes the fast men were already coming back past us, oh how lovely that would be. There was a woman I ran with at the last race from Bourne, who was always just behind me and gave me the boost to push on, she was also just behind in this race so it was nice to see a friendly face. I kept up with Paula up until the 4k mark and dropped back slowly, I just couldn't keep up the pace. Because I don't use a gps watch yet I have no idea of my pace and had no idea if I was anywhere near a PB. When I turned the corner into the finish I could see the clock had just ticked over onto 32 minutes, so I gave it my all.

Official time 32 minutes & 49 seconds (PB by 1 min 2 seconds)

Mile 1: 10.24
Mile 2: 10.22
Mile 3: 11.20 (If only I can keep this last mile up)

I've given myself a mini goal of being able to do sub 30 5k. I want to be able to do this by the end of the year.

P.s Someone also recognized me from the triathlon the other week. It's a hard life being a professional :P hahaha.

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