Run | Number 75 | 5k Grand Prix Series | Stamford

2 weeks really does come round really quickly. This time the next 5k in the Grand Prix series was held in Stamford. After yesterdays disaster of a run I really wasn't looking forward to this. I've decided I really am useless when it comes to running in the heat, therefore I wasn't expecting anything great and knew there was no chance of a Pb.  There was a big turn out and good atmosphere, we got there pretty late so as soon as our numbers were pinned on we were off.

The course was 2 laps, which is normally something I like, but this was awful, a long slight downhill followed by a steep uphill, twice, was not what I needed when it was 28 degrees. During the run I felt awful it felt like it was taking me forever and I just wasn't sure I would ever finish. Coming up to the field to get to the finish line felt like a lifetime but I just kept plodding. I ended up finishing in 33:55 which isn't as bad as I expected so I guess I can't complain, it does mean I'm no closer to 30 minutes though. Next time maybe?!


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