Review | New Balance 890's

A couple of weeks ago I took the plunge and ordered some new trainers online, the New Balance 890's to be precise. I absolutely loved the look of these, a lightweight trainer with support around the midsole and ankle, I thought these sounded perfect. I ran in these for around 2 weeks and absolutely loved them, they were light and they felt bouncy under foot, although about 2/3weeks in I notice pain in my left ankle, which I can only describe as a dull throb. After a few more runs this pain creeped up to my knee and I knew something was wrong, I immediately started icing and elevating in a bid to dull the pain which definitely helped, I also switched back to my old trainers and found the pain disappeared. Great but this left me in another predicament of still needing some new trainers.

I would just like to say I think the 890's would be a great shoe for a midsole runner, unfortunately I heel strike and there just isn't enough support for this, so please do not let this put you off as I think they are a great trainer.

So off I went to Advance Performance again to have my gait analysed. I've now had this done twice and I really can't fault their expertise and customer service. I tried on numerous pairs of trainers, I really liked the Adidas supernova's but I still felt like I needed a little extra support, I also loved the Asic's gel but once again not enough support (silly left ankle).

I eventually chose the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13, in a none garish colourway (as much as I love pink I'm fed up with it on my running kit). These felt so comfotable as soon as I put them on & felt really supportive on the treadmill. I took them out last night for an easy 4 miler and they felt fab, no pain today whatsoever but I will do a proper review when I've used them for a few weeks.

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