Race Report | Milton Keynes Up & Running Winter Half Marathon

When: Sunday 15th December
Where: Campbell Park, Milton Keynes

On Sunday I went to take part in my second half marathon in MK, it also fell on the 1 year anniversary of me moving into my flat. Funny to think when I moved I struggled carrying boxes up the stairs as I was so unfit, a year later I've just run my second half marathon. Oh how times change.

Set up: This was a much smaller set up to GER, with only around 850 entrants and only 624 people finishing. I actually had a little panic that I would be at the back of the pack but all was ok. The start and finish were both at the Campbell Park pavilion, with the start line a short 10 minute walk away. Race numbers & chips could be collected from the Up & Running shop prior or on the day. Unfortunately they couldn't find my race pack, but a few quick clicks on a laptop and I was given a new one. My only gripe was there was no where to sit and wait before hand and being Dec it was fairly cold before hand.

Course: A one loop course essentially around MK, although this is a different MK to the one I know. All set along the canal path and woodland area's this was a really lovely route and it helped having something to look at to bare through the pain. There were a few roads to cross but the marshals stopped the cars to allow us to pass with no problems. The course was also more undulated then I imagined, with a lot of bridges and underpasses to cross and a lot of sneaky inclines. The only negative I do have about the course but this didn't really affect me, in quite a few places the paths were quite narrow so I can imagine it could get quite crowded in some parts, also it was a very twisty and turny route which I really liked but it did make it hard to get into a solid pace.

Marshals: Really encouraging. At one point I saw a woman collapsed, but the 2 marshals with her looked like they had the situation under control.

Water stations: 4 located at 3, 6, 8ish and 10ish miles. Plastic cups which I hate, but very well organised.

I was surprisingly calm about this race, considering I had the worse race prep. I had my works Xmas party on the Friday and my rules of not drinking too much or staying up late went straight out the window, followed by a takeaway on the Saturday night. With only one long run of 10 miles since running the GER I was worried I would struggle. Thankfully Sean from Bushfield came along specifically to run with me, which I will always be grateful for. My goals were A, as close to 2:20 as I could get, B, as close to 2:25 as I could get & C, finish. I also wanted to get round without stopping.

I wanted to stick as close to 10:30 m/m as I could and surprisingly my pace was pretty spot on. Miles 1-4 were pretty uneventful and I managed to settle into a pace fairly quickly. Miles 5-6 my ankle was playing up and I was worried it would really affect my race but thankfully by 7 the pain disappeared. Miles 7-9 were a struggled and I was worried I was going to have to stop. Miles 9-11 I perked up and sped up I'm pretty sure. Mile 11 was pure hell and by Mile 12 I got a second wind to get to the finish line.

AND I didn't walk, only through 2 water stations as it's impossible to drink from a cup and run!

SECOND AND...I finished in 2:20:58. That's a PB of 6 minutes 36 seconds, and only 58 seconds from my gold goal I was freaking happy. It will be interesting to see how I do on a flat course next.

Goody bag: Up & Running buff, High 5 energy gel, x-mas chocolates and a medal. I actually really liked the goody bag, I hate it when you are just given a bag of leaflets. Not one in sight in mine. Although by the time I finished they had run out of carrier bags so my stuff was just handed to me, there may of been leaflets in the bag.

In the week | Number 9


Boxercise x 2
For the second class there was only 5 of us, 2 girls who had already done the first class and 3 guys. We were worked hard, and by the end I was dripping in sweat, but we managed to keep up with the guys, including ending on burpee's until failure!


3.5 mile run - 10.30 pace
Only a small run as tapering for HM on Sunday, just to get the legs moving.

Arms, Shoulders & Abs at gym

Shoulder press - 14kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Arm curl - 23kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Tricep Extension - 23kg - 10 reps x 10 sets
Chest press - 18kg - 10 reps x 5 sets

Free weights
Tricep Extension - 5kg - 20 reps
Bicep curl - 5kg - 20 reps each arm
Dead lift - 10kg - 50 reps
Chest press - 15kg - 10 reps x 5 sets
Sit ups with medicine ball between legs - 4kg - 50 reps
Sit ups with medicine ball in hands - 4kg - 50 reps 


Swimming - 40 lengths of 25m pool






Milton Keynes Winter Half Marathon - Full report to come soon.

Race Report | Frostbite Friendly League | Hinchingbrooke Park

On Sunday I had a lot to prove to myself. Back in March I took part in my first ever race, it was part of the Frostbite Friendly League and took part in Hinchingbrooke park. Sunday saw me re run this race and with great results.

Back when I ran in March I really wasn't ready to be running in a 5 mile 'cross country' race, the terrain is a mixture of grass, road and wooded area's including some inclines (not what you want when you're stuck in the mud). The Frostbite League is only open to club runners so the standard tends to be a lot faster than in a normal race. I spent the whole time firmly at the back runner with the sweeper. In fact I think I must of walked at least a mile of the course. I embarrassingly came in last nearly 11 minutes behind the person in front of me finishing in 1 hour 12 minutes 55 seconds. I'm surprised I even entered more races after that, but I guess I'm tougher then I think.

This time I knew I was going to be quicker, and hopefully not last, but after nursing an ankle injury all week I was worried about running on the different terrains. There was no need to worry, I strapped it up with sports tape and didn't even feel it. This race was still really tough, I'm only used to running on roads and you forget how much grass and uneven surfaces really wear you out, but I carried on and stuck it out. Two members of my club kindly offered to run with me and I was so grateful for their support.

I finished in 51 minutes 38 seconds! Just a small 21 minutes 17 second PB!

A lot of hard work over the last year has paid off.

An example of Hinchingbrooke park

In the week | Number 8


Boxercise x 2


Leg day
Leg Press - 52kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Leg Curl - 23kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Calf Press - 79kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Leg Extension - 32kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Hip Abduction - 39kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Hip Adduction - 39kg - 20 reps x 3 sets
Weighted Squats - 15kg - 20 reps x 5 sets
Medicine ball raise & drops - 4kg - 20 reps x 5 sets




3.26 miles slow

Trying to rest my ankle.






Frostbite Race - 5 miles - Hinchingbrooke Park

Race Report | Nene Valley 10

On Sunday I took part in the Nene Valley Harriers 10 mile road race. This is a local event for me and when I entered I was looking forward to trying out a different race distance. As Sunday rolled round I realised how under prepared I was for this race, and the nerves kicked in. I hadn't ran over 6 miles since GER and before that the last 10 mile run I had done was Sept, so needless to say I was worried. On top of that I looked at the results for 2012. The last time I ran 10 miles I ran it in 1:46 and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this again, looking at the previous results that would of put me 4th from last! Thankfully my friend Rachel offered to run with me so at least I knew it wouldn't just be me crawling across the finish line.

Numbers were picked up on the day, we got there at 9:15 for a 10:30am start so we had no trouble parking or picking up our numbers, but I can imagine you may of had to queue if you turned up later. For the first time ever there was only ever a queue of 3 or 4 people in the ladies so no waiting around for too long. The race started promptly, I must say I do wish this event had been chip timed but for entry of around £10 I guess I can't complain.

The route was 2 laps of 5 miles, I was petrified of being lapped but I managed to avoid it. If I'm honest I thought the route would be awful as Bretton is not the most scenic of places, but I actually really enjoyed it, especially the two wooded sections around mile 2 and mile 4. Each lap included 2 underpasses and 2 bridges, which is always fun.

I think because I was so negative about this race from the ofset I really didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I set off to quickly and stopped to walk a few times and started to get really frustrated with myself. At one point I just wanted to sit down and cry, but thankfully Rach wouldn't let me embarrass myself like that.

My only negative side to the race is that I didn't feel the marshals were very supportive. A few were absolutely brilliant and really encouraging but others just looked like they were bored. There were 3 water stations on route. 1 which you passed twice and one at the 5 mile mark, although this didn't effect me as I was quite near the back there wasn't many people around me, but this was placed on a narrow section, which you passed through a gate to get too, for the faster runners I can imagine this was carnage, but obviously I cannot comment.

All in all I will be back, a; I want to beat my time (hopefully sub 1:35 next time) and b; I want to enjoy it and appreciate the course.

Final time: 1:42:24

In the week | Number 7


Boxercise x 2 - I'm really enjoying getting to these classes when I can. It is essentially a circuits class with boxing and strength training thrown in. Each week focuses on a different area of the body, arms, legs and core for example and I always leave the two sessions dripping in sweat and feeling like I need a lie down. Not to mention the serious amount of DOMS I wake up with the next morning.


Speed training - 5.65 miles
1.5 mile warm up
4 x 4 mins @ 90% effort
4 x 3 mins @ recovery jog
1.5 mile cool down

I actually went all out on this run and really pushed myself and it felt great. I really struggle with the speed side of things and I'm so stuck in my way of plodding along but I'm trying to change it. It makes such a different my average pace has now dropped down to 10/10:30 m/m which I'm really happy with, and it shows with 3 parkrun pb's in a row.




Rest - I'm running the Nene Valley 10 on Sunday and want to go into it with fresh legs, I'm really nervous as I haven't ran more than 6 miles since the GER and I'm probably going to come last, but oh well it's the taking part that counts right?!






Nene Valley 10 race  - Full blog post coming soon.

A very lazy week, with a little bit too much rest. Sunday marked the start of my marathon training! I am scared, very scared.

Parkrun | 3 PB's in a row!!

If you don't already know, a couple of weeks ago after I completed my first half marathon I set myself a few goals to achieve to keep me going. One of these was to start attending my local parkrun more regularly. Including finally getting my 5k time down to sub 30 minutes. Since completing the GER my club has been focusing on speed work and it's really starting to pay off.

I have stuck to my word and have dragged myself out of bed early 3 Saturday's running now (excuse the pun), each time happily claiming a new PB.

My last 5k time all the way back in August was 30:05 - I was shocked I even got this as my previous time was 31:30 so a very big jump, but as soon as I saw the time I knew I was close to clocking sub 30.

My first attempt saw me cross the finish in 29:57
My second attempt saw me cross the finish in 29:38
And last week saw me finish in 28:58

I was absolutely ecstatic to see a 28 minute finish. It's crazy to think how much my times have come down since I first started. My first 5k took me nearly 50 minutes if I remember correctly.

Parkrun is such an amazing idea and wouldn't happen without the many wonderful volunteers who make the event happen, providing much needed support when your lungs feel like they are going to fall on the floor. And a big shout out to Paul at the running badger who shouted hello at my moment in need.

Me in action last weekend. Unfortunately this guy left me at around the 3k mark, I was trying so hard to keep with him. P.s look how skinny I look!

In the week | Number 6




5.45 miles - Average pace 10:30ish

Really enjoyed this run, it felt tough but fast and I felt good afterwards. I seem to be stuck in a rut of only running 5-6 miles during the week and I really need to up this now that marathon training needs to kick in. 




4.5 miles - Average pace 10:15ish

Small run as a lot of people at club were running in the Hereward relay on Sunday and wanted fresh legs. Nice and fast for me and it felt like I pushed myself. These speed sessions are starting to pay off.




Parkrun - 3.1 miles - PB 28:58


3 mile run - Really slow and hard (how am I ever going to run a marathon)

In the week | Number 5


Boxercise x 2


5.2 miles - 10 min mile pace - 51 minutes

I really needed this run, all my runs post GER have suddenly felt really hard again, and this just felt so easy and relaxed, and I'm getting a little quicker.  




3.1 miles - 12 min mile pace - Helped someone from club round hence the slower pace




1.5 mile run to parkrun
3.1 mile run - parkrun - new pb (29:38)
1.5 mile run back

Rest (Supported the St. Neot's half marathon)

Parkrun | 9th November

I finally got my arse in gear and dragged myself out of bed on a Saturday morning to complete my third parkrun. I think parkrun is such a good idea, but whilst training for the GER, I concentrated on distance not speed and I stopped racing as such.

I've managed to get below 30 minutes for a 5k once in training, and I've made it a goal to do this before the year is out & I finally managed it. So freaking happy.

I finished in 29:51, so now obviously I think I can go a little quicker. Now I want 29:30 (why are we never happy). I'm going to try and make it every week and hope that the interval training we are doing during the week will help me achieve a faster time.

In the week | Number 4




3 miles - 31 minutes - 5 x 3 minute efforts @ 70%

I'm really enjoying the new training plan we have been given at club, but I must admit I'm struggling with these effort sessions. I've only just got the hang of running in general, and now were introducing sprint and speed sessions. It's really nice to challenge myself, but sometimes I find I'm working too hard and not able to recover in time for the next session. I'm hoping my speed will improve through these sessions so I'm just going to stick with them and hope for the best.



Chest press - 10reps x 8 sets - 18kg
Shoulder press - 10reps x 8sets - 9kg
Tricep extension  - 10reps x 8sets - 18kg
Bicep curl - 10reps x 8sets - 9kg

Mini circuit x2 = 10minutes

1 min - Medicine ball sit ups - 4kg
1 min - Chest press - 5kg dumbbells
1 min - Tricep dip - 5kg dumbbells
1 min - Step up lunges - 5kg dumbbells
1 min - Medicine ball squats - 4kg

Mini circuit 2 - x2

50 x Medicine ball twists - 4kg
25 x barbell roll outs - 10kg



5.7 mile run (meant to be 6 miles but we took the wrong turning) - Tempo run @ 70%.

I managed to do this is 59 minutes, So I'm getting closer to the sub 60 10k time I've been aiming for. Although this run was tough, I knew I had worked hard and I felt good after. Average pace of 10:34 so I'm getting there.




parkrun - 3.1 miles - 29:51 (new PB & finally under 30 minutes)

Bike ride - 34 miles to Stamford & back


6.2 mile run  - 1:10 (fairly slow for me nowadays)

I was umming and ahhing whether to even go out on Sunday, our training plan said 13 or 6 miles, I knew there was no way on earth I was managing 13 miles after Saturday, so I decided to head out and just see how I felt. I only managed the 6, and it was really hard, but at least I got out there and did it! A few weeks ago I would of just said I'm tired, I did enough yesterday, but I'm trying to train myself to run when I'm tired. When I start upping the distance for marathon training I know I'm going to struggle and I'm going to be tired so I need to get used to this.

I didn't see a single soul for 4 miles

In the week | Number 3


Double boxercise


6.1 mile run - 3 x 1 mile effort @ 70% effort




4.6 mile run - 10 x 30 second efforts @ 100% effort






Marshalled the Bushy frostbite. 

Rant | Lacking motivation

Motivation where are you? I can't find you anywhere! I was on such a high after finishing my first half marathon I can't even put it into words. I'm already signed up to Edinburgh marathon so I know I still need to work hard at keeping my training up. I made a conscious effort to still run the Tuesday and Thursday after the GER, I then let myself have a weekend off exercise, before starting my training last week. I had a great run on the Tuesday, was then ill for the rest of the week and did nothing, attempted a 10 mile tempo run on the Sunday, had to quit after the first lap and spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself. I ran a half marathon 2 weeks ago, why am I now struggling to run 5!!!

I'm really struggling with my motivation at the moment, I haven't made it out of bed to get to the gym in the morning in weeks, although this has been replaced my a double boxercise class on a Monday which I'm really enjoying.

I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and push these negative thoughts away. I have achieved so much this year and I know I can still achieve more.

Things I've done this year which in January seemed impossible:
  1. Lose 4st through exercise and clean eating (most of the time)
  2. Ran a 5k
  3. Ran a 5 miler
  4. Ran a 10k
  5. Ran a HALF MARATHON (13.1 freaking miles!!!)
  6. Completed 2 TRIATHLONS (400m swim, 10 mile bike, 3.5 mile run)
  7. Ran a 10k obstacle mud run
Things I want to have achieved by the 1st Jan 2014
  1. Sub 30minute 5k (I have done this but not in an official race)
  2. Therefore start running parkrun again
  3. Sub 60minute 10k (lowest I've got down to is 63 minutes so this could be difficult but I've got to try)
  4. Run 3 if not 4 times a week, no matter what gets in the way
  5. Foam roll and stretch at least twice a week
  6. Be able to run 15 miles comfortably
  7. Start tracking everything on MyFitness Pal again
I better get started hey?!

In the week | Number 2


Double whammy boxercise class.


4.87 mile run, with 4 70% effort tempo sessions in the middle. - 52 minutes










5 mile run - 2 mile slow, 3 mile at race pace - 57 minutes

Was meant to be 10 mile run, 2 mile slow, 6 miles race pace, 2 miles slow. I hadn't been very well all week (thank you flu jab) and I just really wasn't feeling this run. I don't think it helped that I walked round London all day on the Saturday and didn't drink enough. I was really tough on myself yesterday and I was so frustrated with myself. But it's just one bad run which I need to forget about.

I'm just going to write this week off as a bad week. Let's hope this week is a better training week!

In the Week | Number 1




Slow 5k

Wasn't really sure if this was a good idea, my legs were still very tender and stiff from Sunday, but I know a lot of people swear by the recovery run. If I have any chance of running Edinburgh I need to get my legs used to running on tired legs. Starting out felt very uncomfortable, my legs felt like led but by half way they had loosened up and I really got back into it.




Chase me 5k

My club hold 5k chase me nights every few weeks throughout the winter months. I didn't want to race off too fast for this one, so stuck to a steady pace. Finished around the 31 minute mark, which isn't too bad all things considered.






Aimed to go out on my bike as taking part in a duathlon next week. I tried to pump up my flat tyre before working out the valve is leaking, and my new pump has snapped the valve of my front tyre in half. So now I need 2 need inner tubes before Sunday. I did however manage to re-wrap my handle bar tape and it looks awesome.

Race Report | Perkins Great Eastern Run 2013

So I really don't know where to start with this as I have so much to say so here goes. 

As most of you are aware (and everybody I have come into contact with this year) I wanted to run the Perkins Great Eastern Run, this is a half marathon based in Peterborough. This was a really huge challenge for me, I started running at the end of January and I really struggled to even run 100m when I started, I don't think it helped that I was also 4 st heavier! Anyway I decided if I really wanted to achieve this I would need to put my mind to it and make a lot of changes along the way. I joined Bushfield Joggers and haven't looked back since (thanks for all the support guys). 


I honestly can't believe how nervous about this I was, everytime I thought about it I had butterflies in my stomach, I was so worried about just not being able to finish it, or injuring something and having to drop out. The weather forecast also wasn't helping, 100% chance of heavy rain, brilliant. I took it easy and had lots of water and eat quite a few carbs (something I'm really good at) and managed to be in bed for 10:30pm. 


I managed to sleep until 6:15am and stayed tossing and turning until 7:30am, got up and showered, wolfed down some porridge and a banana and eventually got dressed. The weather was absolutely awful and I really didn't want to go outside, let alone run 13.1 miles in it. I wrapped myself up warm and off I went to the embankment to meet the others.

 I had planned to run with Josie and Sarah, starting at 11 minute miles and pushing harder once past half way if I could manage it. Although I was only aiming to get round I also wanted to come in under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I knew if I stuck to 11m/m I had a little leeway in case this went over. Obviously Josie and I set off too fast averaging 10:30's for the first 8 miles, I'm just surprised I managed to keep up with her for that long.I must say it took us nearly 16 minutes to cross the start line and by this point I was really cold and it took me a good few miles to warm up.

Miles 1-3 felt really good, I feel into my rhythm straight away and was really enjoying the atmosphere, although for the first 3 miles it was so wet, the rain was so heavy, but I still managed to enjoy myself. To be honest miles 1-8 passed fairly quickly and uneventfully, we just about caught sight of the elite men coming back at around mile 4 (they were at mile 10.5). By mile 8 I was glad to be keeping up the pace but Josie wanted to push it so I sent her on her way. Seeing my parents and friends scattered around the course really gave me something to look forward to and I just kept going. I made it to mile 10 before I really started to struggle. I had only ran over 10 miles once in training and that was quite a few weeks ago and I really think this showed, to be honest I think it was more a mental struggle than anything. I knew if I made it to mile 11 I would make it to the finish, at mile 11 I passed Abi & Julie from Bushfield, and was so glad to see a friendly face, from mile 11.5 I started to run and walk and by mile 12 they caught back up with me and we ran the final mile together. The last mile has to be the hardest thing I've ever done, I was struggling to even put 1 foot in front of the other, but I knew the finish was so close. As we round the corner into the final straight I saw my parents and was spurred on to a sprint finish. Having everyone cheering, especially my friends made the moment so special. 



 I crossed the line, had my chip taken off, grabbed some water, a banana, goody bag, t-shirt and most importantly my medal. I've never been so proud of myself, final chip time 2:27:34.

I know I can beat this time next time, so it's given me something to aim for. Bring on marathon training.

Half Marathon | 2 days to go

On Sunday I am about to embark on the biggest challenge of my life, running a half marathon. I have been training for this since the end of January, and it’s finally time to put my money where my mouth is. If I completed this challenge and make it to the finish line on Sunday I can honestly say it will be the proudest moment of my life so far, I used to think this would always be graduating, but this lifestyle change has been harder than even I expected.

It takes a lot of dedication to stick to training for something, especially if when you start you can’t even run 100m, and I’ve even surprised myself with the dedication and motivation I have put into this journey. All the early mornings, all the runs in the freezing cold, all the early bed times (not that I mind), all the nights out I’ve left early, all the races I’ve taken part in, all the blisters, black toenails and ice baths will all be worth it come Sunday.

Thank you legs for putting up with everything I have put you through over the last 9 months but I ask you one more thing. Please get us round on Sunday.

Run | Number 107 & 108

Sorry these aren't going to be very exciting.

Distance - 6.1 miles
Time: 1:04:33

Distance - 3.36
Time: 35:55

Last two runs of taper before the big day eeeppp. Also had my first sports massage to get my legs ready.

Run | Number 106

Tapering has started for my first half marathon (what a scary thought) so on Thursday I headed out for an easy 4 miles. Can't believe I would ever think 4.4 miles was easy but there you go, that's running for you.

Distance: 4.4 miles
Time: 43:45

Gym | Week 23





1 True Grit left me ruined so Monday and Tuesday were spent rest and ice packing, I even braved and ice bath. 


Arm curl - 10 x 6 reps - 18kg
Tricep curl - 10 x 10 reps - 27kg
Calf press - 10 x 10 reps - 52kg
Adductor - 10 x 10 reps - 32kg
Abductor - 10 x 10 reps - 32kg

I finally felt ready to do some exercise again so popped to the gym Wednesday evening for it to be absolutely packed and I couldn't do anything I wanted. Therefore a very short session.


4.4 miles - (Race Pace)




6 mile run



Run | Number 105 | 1 True Grit Race Report

I apolagise in advance for this being a long and very picture heavy post. Sorry not sorry. 

Now where to start. On Sunday I took part in a 10k obstacle mud run called 1 True Grit, held in Baldock, Hearts, so just under an hours drive away from Peterborough. Entrance fee was £40 pp for teams of 6 or more, this may seem steep, but the run was in aid of Prostate Cancer, so I was happy to pay extra. As a first time event, the organisation was spot on, Emails were sent out around 2 weeks and a few days before the event, teams were started off in waves so there wasn't much congestion and these actually started when they said they would, always a plus in my book. Only down side is only 2 toilets, when will race organisers ever learn this. 

The course was 10k trail run with 25 obstacles placed in our way, these ranger from the easy ones, running through tyres and haystacks to climbing over 8ft walls & swimming through muddy quarry's. When I was first asked to take part in this I was really worried as I really didn't think I had it in me, I thought I would chicken out of the obstacles but I wanted to make it worth while. I actually surprised myself and the only obstacle I walked round was the monkey bars as even as a child I was never able to do these. I even flung myself over the 8ft wall twice.

I'm pretty sure we were the last team in but it really didn't matter, this was all about team work and helping everyone through it, I was helped when I was scared jumping off something (apparently I don't like heights anymore) and Sarah needed help with anything claustrophibic & as Val hadn't been running much recently she needed helping running the longer stretches. But it was such a fun day out and I would really like to take part again. 

I must admit it took me until Wednesday morning to be able to walk properly, my muscles have never hurt so much in my life. I had DOMS in places I didn't know you could get DOMS.

 Check out that quad definition

 The last obstacle was a skip filled with ice cold water which you had to swim under.

 This wall has brusied me to hell, but I'm so glad I got over it

 I found this the hardest, as you can see John has just given up. 

All in all I really recommend you try something like this even if it does mean pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

News | Edinburgh Marathon 2014

As I'm sure everyone is aware the ballot results for the London Marathon started coming out on Thursday. I had entered on a bit of a whim back in April after marshalling the 2013 race. I wanted to be part of the action, I remember seeing people of all shapes, sizes and ages running past, if they could do I wanted to be able to do it. I hadn't really put much thought into it after that and my half marathon training really started to kick in, and I'm still really enjoying the challenge, I love seeing my body change and seeing how my times are coming down and how the distance I can cover is improving. 

After the disappointment of London, I didn't really know what to do. I knew that if I was relieved not to get a place a marathon for 2014 would be off the cards, but I was genuinely gutted. So therefore I decided to explore my options. 

So I'm pleased to announce I will be running the Edinburgh marathon on the 25th May. 
Now if anyone can recommend a good training programme or any tips I would really appreciate it. 
This will either turn out to be the best decision I ever make or the worse one. 

Run | Number 104 | Chase Me

Over the winter months, every few weeks, Bushfield stage a 5k Chase Me race. For those that don't know this means you are given a handicap time and the slowest set off first whilst the fast people chase. The aim is to not be passed & everyone finishes roughly at the same time. The handicaps for this were based on the last chase me as opposed to a recent 5k time. My last chase me took me 37 minutes. Money was on Rachel or myself to win as we have both improved drastically since this. I did my calculations and worked out she would just beat me. I passed the woman in front of me within 5 minutes and was feeling really good, I had set off far to fast but after months of long slow runs it felt nice to really give it some. I even manged to make it to the marshal point before the marshal :)

I managed to get to 4.5k before Rachel passed me, and I crossed the line less then a minute after her. This was also the fastest 5k I have ever done, crossing the line in 29:39. Woohoo

Run | Number 103

Distance - 8 miles
Time - 1 hour 27 minutes

On Tuesday, Rachel and I headed out for 10 miles as I am worried about missing a few longer runs in my half marathon training. Unfortunately we only managed 8 miles. It got dark a hell of a lot quicker than we imagined, and the route I had planned was closed so we had to think on our feet. 8 miles on a Tuesday evening after a day at work is pretty good going though I feel.

Gym | Week 22




8 mile run




3.1 mile run - Chase me race






1 True Grit - 10k Obstacle course

Run | Number 102 | Green Wheel Relay Race 2013

Mental note: Never ever run a race when hungover!

On Sunday I took part in the Green Wheel Relay. This obviously consists of a relay around the whole of Peterborough's Green Wheel course. Split into 7 legs including: Embankment - Eye, Eye - Newborough, Newborough - Ferry Meadows, Ferry Meadows - Norman Cross, Norman Cross - Stanground & Stanground - Embankment.

I took the third leg, Newborough - Etton, which was just awful, I was so worried about getting lost, but thankfully our bike support was excellent, when approaching a junction, Craig would cycle on ahead to make sure he knew where I was going. As mentioned earlier, I may of been hungover due to a friends birthday, on top of this it was really hot on Sunday, this did not make for good running conditions. Part of my leg was a 2 and a half mile stretch along a straight gravel path, nothing to focus on but what was ahead of you.

I managed to finish my 7.3 mile leg in 1 hour 22 minutes, so not too bad considering. This turned out to be a really good day and it was really fun to support not only the other Bushy's but everyone else.

My team ended up coming 10th and the other Bushy team 12th, not to make excuses but both of the Bushfield teams on the 4th leg went wrong with one guy doing 15 miles instead of 8 (he wasn't very happy as you can imagine). I also heard another team went wrong on a different leg so maybe signage needs to be addressed for next year but I had no problems at all. 

Probably my 2 best race photos ever!

Run | Number 101

Distance: 4.4 miles
Average Pace: 10:50's

On Thursday a couple of us went for a nice gentle run, I was a little worried as their gentle normally means my full pelt, but I think I must be getting faster/ fitter as this pace did feel easy. I could tell I was working but I wasn't struggling to breath by the end of it. The route we had planned was meant to be 5.5 miles, but unfortunately it turned out to only be 4.4 miles. A shame as I wanted to do further, but still good as I'm breaking in my new trainers. A solid training run I felt

Gym | Week 20 & 21

So I went on holiday in week 20 but I did manage 2 5k runs on the treadmill on Monday & Thursday, and I swam lengths one day, so not to bad for a rest week.


Rest (you know as I haven't had enough this week)


Run 4 miles - 11 minute/mile pace





Treadmill - 5 minute warm up
Ab crunch - 10 reps x 8 sets - 27kg
Rotatory Torso - 10 reps x 8 sets - 27kg
Shoulder press - 10 reps x 8 sets - 18kg
Converging shoulder press - 10 reps x 4 sets - 14kg
Bicep curl - 10 reps x 6 sets - 18kg
Tricep curl - 10 reps x 8 sets - 23kg
Seated medicine ball twists - 50 reps x 4 sets - 3kg
Crunches with medicine ball - 50 reps x 4 sets - 3kg
Plank - 30 seconds x 2

Run 4.4 miles - 10:50 pace






Green Wheel Relay - 7.4 miles

Run | Number 100

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 43 minutes 45 seconds

Ran with Sarah as a recovery run as she completed the GNR on Sunday, I wanted a 'easy' run as I hadn't done much whilst I was away and I'm breaking in my new trainers.

Review | New Balance 890's

A couple of weeks ago I took the plunge and ordered some new trainers online, the New Balance 890's to be precise. I absolutely loved the look of these, a lightweight trainer with support around the midsole and ankle, I thought these sounded perfect. I ran in these for around 2 weeks and absolutely loved them, they were light and they felt bouncy under foot, although about 2/3weeks in I notice pain in my left ankle, which I can only describe as a dull throb. After a few more runs this pain creeped up to my knee and I knew something was wrong, I immediately started icing and elevating in a bid to dull the pain which definitely helped, I also switched back to my old trainers and found the pain disappeared. Great but this left me in another predicament of still needing some new trainers.

I would just like to say I think the 890's would be a great shoe for a midsole runner, unfortunately I heel strike and there just isn't enough support for this, so please do not let this put you off as I think they are a great trainer.

So off I went to Advance Performance again to have my gait analysed. I've now had this done twice and I really can't fault their expertise and customer service. I tried on numerous pairs of trainers, I really liked the Adidas supernova's but I still felt like I needed a little extra support, I also loved the Asic's gel but once again not enough support (silly left ankle).

I eventually chose the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13, in a none garish colourway (as much as I love pink I'm fed up with it on my running kit). These felt so comfotable as soon as I put them on & felt really supportive on the treadmill. I took them out last night for an easy 4 miler and they felt fab, no pain today whatsoever but I will do a proper review when I've used them for a few weeks.

Update | Weightloss 2

It's been a little while since I updated on my weight loss, sometimes it feels really unreal that it's happened to me and not someone else. I recently got back from holiday and on looking through the photo's I realised quite how different I look now, therefore I decided to do this comparison. These photos are pretty much taken a year apart. I can't believe I ever got myself into that state in the first place and I sure as hell hope I never end up like that again. I'm so much happier now then I have been in a long time. I better keep off the chocolate haha!

Run | Number 98 & 99

So I went to Marrakesh and it was lovely, probably not my best idea a month before a half marathon, but I'm looking at that all inclusive as extra carb loading (that counts right!).

I wasn't a total slacked, I managed to 5k runs on the treadmill in the gym, how to people run on a treadmill it makes me so bored and I find it so hard. I was aiming to do it 3 times that week but by the Saturday I just couldn't face facing a wall in 36 degree heat, not fun.

Now I am back and I have 2/3 weeks of proper training before the tapering begins.

Run | Number 97

Distance: 10 miles
Pace: 10:36

On Saturday I knew I needed to fit a long run in before going on holiday. I didn't really have a plan just anywhere between 8-11 miles. I hate how you can plan a route in your head and by the time you're half way round you've realised its only 3 miles and you need to keep going. I ran up to Ferry Meadows through the woods and made it round the lake to the finish of parkrun, stopped to say hello to everyone from Bushfield who had taken part, have a toilet stop & fill up my water bottles and carried on home, I even turned down the offer of a lift home.

This is the first long run in ages which I have a ran by myself and I managed to stick to 10:36 pace, lets hope I can do that in 4 weeks time.

Have I mentioned in 4 weeks I will hopefully be a half marathon runner, blisters on feet and medal in hand. Oh god!

Run | Number 95 & 96

Distance: 5.1 miles
Pace: 11:17

Distance 6.3 miles
Pace: 11:03

I'm really working hard at sticking to my race pace for the GER, at the moment I'm looking at anywhere between 10:30/11:30 minute miles it all depends on the day so I'm trying to aim for a steady 11. Nothing too exciting to report at the moment, just continuing with training and trying to keep injury free.

Gym | Week 19


30 minutes treadmill - Speed 7-8
Shoulder Press - 5 sets x 10 reps - 9kg
Arm curl - 5 sets x 10 reps - 14kg
Chest Press - 5 sets x 10 reps - 11kg
Tricep Extension - 10 sets x 10 reps - 18kg

Mini circuit
Chest press - 20 reps - 5kg
Tricep Curl - 30 reps - 5kg
Squats - 30 reps - 10kg
Medicine twists - 50 reps - 5kg



5.1 mile run




6.3 mile run




10 mile run



Rant | Number 1

I've hurt my ankle :(

I've made it nearly 9 months without getting injured and I'm pretty sure it's down to my new trainers (boooo). I've been resting, elevating and icing and foam rollering and the pain when walking has gone altogether now. Tonight I am going to run using my old trainers and see if that gets rid of the pain.

Looks like I'll be taking a trip to Advance Performance and prepare to spend my life savings on another pair of trainers (slight exaggeration). Whoever said running was a free sport was very very wrong.

Run | Number 93

I felt like I had been slacking recently so on Friday night I decided to go out after work for a quick 3 miler. Boy it was hotter than I thought and obviously I didn't take water so I decided to be brave and strip down to my sports bra (thankfully no one jeered or threw up haha).

This hurt like hell but I really pushed it. I had to pause half way through as I felt a twinge in my ankle, thankfully it seems to be ok after a little rest and ice so touch wood we are ok. BUT.....I made 5k in under 30 minutes wooohoooo. I have no idea how I will ever do this again as we all know the next 5k race I do I won't be able to do it, so annoying. 

Run | Number 92

Strawberry Hill - My nemesis.

I really wasn't feeling up for this but as always I gave it my best shot. 6 miles completed with 2 reps up Strawberry Hill in 1 hour 09 minutes. Not my fastest but not my slowest so can't complain. 

Run | Number 91

Sorry I'm a little behind on posts at the moment. Last Sunday I set about my longest run yet. 11 miles. I set out with Sarah and Louise not really knowing what to expect. We set off at a fairly quick pace for my long runs but it felt comfortable so I decided to see how long I could keep this up for.

We finished 11.55 miles in 2 hours 06 minutes 20 seconds keeping an average pace of 10:55. That's really fast for me and I'm still surprised I managed to keep it up. I felt really strong until around the 9.5 mile mark, but I think this was due to the route we picked. We used our usual 9 mile Haddon route and added our 3 mile chase me route onto the end so I knew exactly how much further I had to go and I think this panicked me a little.  

Mile splits are below, as you can see I managed to keep them fairly consistent. If I can keep this pace for the full half marathon I will come in just under my target of 2 hours 30 minutes, so I really need to stick to this pace. I slacked this weekend and didn't go out for a long run, I just can't manage them week in week out as I can't recover in time. Saturday I am aiming to do anything between 8-11 miles as I'm going away on Sunday for a week. Not the best idea 6 weeks before my first half marathon, but I'm going to use the hotel gym and swim as much as I can to keep my stamina up.

1 - 10:36
2 - 10:46
3 - 10:45
4 - 10:46
5 - 10:44
6 - 11:04 (Hill)
7 - 10:32
8 - 10:36
9 - 11:00
10 - 11:04
11 - 11:02

P.s. my 10k time for this run was 1:04:45 that's 8 minutes slower than my last race, I can't believe how much faster I have gotten recently. 

Gym | Week 18


17 mile bike ride






6 mile run (hill sprints)


3.1 mile run (fast)


3.1 mile colour run 



Gym | Week 17


Swimming - 40 lengths x 25 m - freestyle


7.8 mile run




4.5 mile run - Efforts






11.5 mile run (furthest distance )